Fulton River District – Chicago

Please join me for a brief walk down Milwaukee Avenue through the Fulton River District neighborhood of Chicago. Although there is so much more to see of the Fulton River District, Milwaukee Avenue is a good representation of the timeline of Chicago industrialism and heart of the neighborhood. I have always been interested in early Chicago history of the 1800s, especially industrial history, so walking down Milwaukee Avenue in the district felt like this was the real Chicago……at least to me.

The 1830 original plat of Chicago included much of the area that is now the Fulton River District. The street grid and block layout of this small area defined the pattern of Chicago’s development as the city grew. Commerce dominated the district throughout its history. Lumber and grain were shipped through the district. Randolph Street became the center of wholesale produce distribution in the late 19th century.

6 thoughts on “Fulton River District – Chicago”

  1. I admire you dedication to your craft. I especially liked the murals of the owl and Michelle Obama.

  2. Another fabulous walk through Chicago! I loved it. My mom tells me my dad used to get our Christmas Eve fish from this area years ago. So cool! Loved all the pictures! Thank you!!!!

    1. Thanks Lori. I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos. It’s a really neat area that shows the changes the City of Chicago has gone through over the ages.

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