Paseo Boricua – Humboldt Park, Chicago

Paseo Boricua is a section of North Division Street between Western and California Avenues in the Humboldt Park neighborhood of Chicago. The area is more commonly known as Little Puerto Rico. The gateways to Paseo Boricua are at each entrance and are Puerto Rican Flags that are 59 feet tall! Many businesses are named after Puerto Rican towns and many building facades are made to look like they’re from San Juan with Spanish Colonial architecture. There are many murals paying tribute to Puerto Rican heroes. I will be doing a series of posts showing photos of Paseo Boricua, because it’s impossible to show them in one post. I took over 100 photos when I went there!

5 thoughts on “Paseo Boricua – Humboldt Park, Chicago”

  1. Very nice pictures. You have shown that there are many interesting places to visit in the neighborhoods. I especially liked the picture of the bike shop.

    1. Thanks Suzette. I’m glad you like them, and showcasing the charm of the Chicago neighborhoods is exactly what my goal is.

  2. You’re an extremely talented photographer Linda. I will Like and I will Share you precious pictures to my social, dear. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. I’m so glad you like the photos and I appreciate you sharing them!

  3. You’re an extremely talented photographer Linda. I will Like and I will Share you precious pictures to my social, dear. Thank you!

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