Jane Addams Homes & National Public Housing Museum

The Jane Addams Homes were built in 1938 by architect John Holabird and were one of the first projects the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) built to provide housing to the city’s poor in The Little Italy neighborhood on the Near West side. It was the first ABLA housing project. Four housing developments made up ABLA: Jane Addams Homes, Robert Brooks Homes, Loomis Courts, and Grace Abbott Homes.

The Jane Addams Homes consisted of 32 buildings containing approximately 1,000 units. They were built as a result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Public Works Administration (PWA) Program. They housed hundreds of families over several decades until they were vacated in 2002 and largely demolished by 2007. Below are photos of the only building that remains and plans are to have it house the National Public Housing Museum which is scheduled to open in 2019. The building is located at 1322-24 West Taylor Street.


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