New Year’s Resolutions

I guess it’s almost that time of year again when we make New Year’s resolutions. Our resolutions are lofty, ambitious and well- intentioned. The difficult part is getting them accomplished. To reap the rewards we need to start them and then strive to complete them throughout the year. I think the key is to break them down into smaller, more realistic goals. For example, if your resolution is to lose weight this coming year, you should identify how much weight you want to lose and by when. Then set sub-goals of how to get there. Maybe you can lose 5 pounds a month. You decide and set the goal. Once the goal and sub-goals are set you need to develop a plan. Maybe your plan will include avoiding certain foods or cutting back on the amount of food you eat; or it may include exercising. Whatever you decide, don’t be too hard on yourself and reward yourself for each sub-goal you accomplish along the way. Buy yourself that outfit that didn’t fit before, but now does since you lost some weight. Celebrate along the way, but don’t feel bad if you can’t always stick to your diet or exercise plan. Any little bit you do is a step in the right direction. I wish you patience and good luck in achieving your New Years resolutions (whatever they may be)!

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. Good advice, especially the part where I don’t feel bad if I miss the mark. Hopefully I will be able to celebrate.

  2. Thanks. I think it’s much easier getting things accomplished taking one thing at a time. I hope you reach your goals and can celebrate your accomplishments.

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