The Importance of Having an Emergency Preparedness Plan

A disaster or emergency situation can happen at any time, and usually there is little or no warning. But it’s important to know there are steps you can take to protect you and your family in an emergency. Whether it’s a fire, hurricane, tornado, flood, active shooter or earthquake, etc., you can take steps to be prepared. It’s important to have a plan for different types of emergencies. It doesn’t have to be a highly detailed and complex plan. It should be a basic plan that is easy to understand and follow. Some people don’t develop a plan because they think it’ll be too difficult. It won’t be difficult if you keep it simple. You should discuss and develop the plan with your family, so you all know what to do, where to go and what your roles are. Communication is one of the most important elements in an emergency. It can be the difference between life and death. You should put the plan in writing, making sure you have the resources to carry out your plan and practice it with your family before a real emergency occurs.

We hope disaster never strikes, but if it does, it helps to know there are things we can do to mitigate some of the damages to lives and property. Please go to for guidance on how to prepare for different types of disasters. The website is very user friendly and teaches you how to be informed, plan ahead and take action to be prepared for specific types of emergencies.

2 thoughts on “The Importance of Having an Emergency Preparedness Plan”

  1. Thanks Linda. I’ll check out the website. I have been wondering lately what types of extra food to have on hand for emergencies.

    1. You’re welcome. I found the website very helpful. I use it for work, because I’m responsible for the continuity program for our business unit. I included it on our Sharepoint site as a resource for employees to use to prepare for an emergency.

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