Gately’s People’s Department Store was located at 112th Street and Michigan Avenue in the Roseland neighborhood. The store was open from 1917 until 1981. The store claimed it sold “Everything for the Home” as stated on the side of the building. In its early days, it was considered to be the largest store on Michigan Avenue.
During the holidays children could visit with Santa and the windows were decorated for Christmas. The shoe department had an X-Ray or flouroscope machine where you could see the bones in your feet. You could also get a haircut there. They also had a restaurant that served the Shoppers Special – a full meatloaf meal for $1 with a slice of blueberry cobbler or crunch cake. They even had a second fast food restaurant in the basement – the Green River Hot Dog Stand and kids could eat from the Donut Machine and ride on the Donut Train while their parents shopped!
The owner, Mr. Gately could be seen walking through the stores making his rounds to the different departments making sure customers were getting the products and assistance needed.
The building that formerly housed Gately’s People’s Department Store was destroyed by fire last Friday………………………….but these nice memories plus many others will forever remain in our thoughts!
*Note – Photos are from Wikipedia and Chicago Tribune

Thanks for sharing. I brought my gym uniform there for high school. During the early 60s, the uniform was a one piece blue jumpsuit that came down to knees. Gatelys was one of the few places that sold it. Ugly but mandatory. I also had my feet x-rayed.
Thanks Suzette. It must have been neat to have your feet exrayed!