Chicago Flag: 100 Years Old

This year the Chicago flag is 100 years old. When I was growing up in Chicago I didn’t even know there was a Chicago flag. In fact, I didn’t find out until recently.

The flag was designed by Wallace Rice and was designated as the official city flag on April 4, 1917.

The flag has three white stripes that symbolize the North, West and South side neighborhoods of the city. The two blue stripes symbolize the branches of the Chicago River. The four red stars represent: the Great Chicago Fire of 1871; the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893; the 1933 Century of Progress Exposition World’s Fair; and Fort Dearborn. These are four truly significant parts of Chicago history.

I think having a city flag is important because it fosters a sense of identity. I believe the beauty of the Chicago city flag lies in its simplicity; much like the beauty of the city of Chicago itself. It is a large, world class city that still maintains the simplicity and grace of a smaller city.